Tag Archives: hope

Not worrying

Don't worry. Be Happy.

Fact: I worry too much, and I probably shouldn’t.

When I found this image on StumbleUpon, I saved it to my favorites to remind me NOT to get all upset about things. The picture I originally stumbled on was deleted, so did Google search, because I wanted to share this anyway.  This saying is so true and this picture inspires me–it’s so simple.

So to you- don’t think about that test that you maybe failed, or the money that you are tight on, or that relationship that you lost. Or that friend that may be mad at you. Or whatever it may be that’s got you down. It’s not worth freaking out about :) Life goes on.

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Filed under Random Things

The Future

Sometimes, things don’t go as planned.
Sometimes, things take a little longer than expected.
Sometimes, you don’t get what you want right away.
Sometimes, it can be hard to be positive when things are more difficult than expected.

Today, a friend of mine posted this quote online: “If you ever feel stuck, look up. the sky is an endless valley of freedom.”

I want to remember this. I still have control over my life. It just takes time.


Filed under Random Things